
Prepless Veneers
Added:01/25/2022 2:58 PM

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Are prepless restorations one of your routine treatment options? Learn why you should consider implementing this treatment option into your practice.
About the Presenter:
Dennis J. Wells, DDS, AAACD earned his DDS degree in 1983 from the University of Tennessee and is an Accredited Member of the AACD. He maintains a private practice, Nashville Center for Aesthetic Dentistry, located in Brentwood, TN.

This course was filmed at the Annual AACD Scientific Session.
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Are prepless restorations one of your routine treatment options? Learn why you should consider implementing this treatment option into your practice.

About the Presenter:

Dennis J. Wells, DDS, AAACD earned his DDS degree in 1983 from the University of Tennessee and is an Accredited Member of the AACD. He maintains a private practice, Nashville Center for Aesthetic Dentistry, located in Brentwood, TN.


This course was filmed at the Annual AACD Scientific Session.

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