
Restoring NCCLs and Replacing Crowns
Added:05/09/2024 11:33 AM

Restoring NCCLs and replacing crowns are two of the most frequent clinical protocols in our daily practice that represent a great challenge for clinicians. This lecture shows how absolute isolation can help to improve the long-term prognosis of both.
Learning Objectives:
Discuss how to diagnose NCCLs, when to restore them, and how to select the correct restorative technique
Learn technical and biological advantages of replacing crowns with absolute isolation
Learn to manage absolute isolation techniques and auxiliary methods for tissue retraction such as controlled retraction clamps, dental floss and Teflon tape for access and restoration of cervical areas for replacing crowns and restore NCCLs
About the Presenter:
Victor D. Guerrero, DDS, is a prosthodontist who earned his post-graduate certificate in Oral Rehabilitation at the San Juan Bautista University. Dr. Guerrero graduated as a general dentist from San Marcos University.
He is a professional with over 26 years of experience in the interdisciplinary handling of clinical cases and comprehensive treatments in oral rehabilitation and restorative dentistry, and a specialist in The Tucker Technique (clinical and laboratory).
Dr. Guererro is a founding Member and Past President of the Peruvian Dental Association (AOP) and the Academy of R.V. Tucker Study Clubs # 62, participating in more than 10 clinical meetings, and is an active Member of the Peruvian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation (SPPDYMF), the Peruvian Association of Restorative and Biomaterial Dentistry (APORYB), and the Peruvian Academy of Stomatology.
CEUs: 2.5
AGD Code: 250
Release Date: 5/9/2024
Review 1 Date: 5/9/2027
This lecture was recorded at the Annual Scientific Session.
Credits awarded per Session. See individual Sessions for further details.
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About this item

Restoring NCCLs and replacing crowns are two of the most frequent clinical protocols in our daily practice that represent a great challenge for clinicians. This lecture shows how absolute isolation can help to improve the long-term prognosis of both.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss how to diagnose NCCLs, when to restore them, and how to select the correct restorative technique
  • Learn  technical and biological advantages of replacing crowns with absolute isolation
  • Learn to manage absolute isolation techniques and auxiliary methods for tissue retraction such as controlled retraction clamps, dental floss and Teflon tape for access and restoration of cervical areas for replacing crowns and restore NCCLs

About the Presenter:

Victor D. Guerrero, DDS, is a prosthodontist who earned his post-graduate certificate in Oral Rehabilitation at the San Juan Bautista University. Dr. Guerrero graduated as a general dentist from San Marcos University.
He is a professional with over 26 years of experience in the interdisciplinary handling of clinical cases and comprehensive treatments in oral rehabilitation and restorative dentistry, and a specialist in The Tucker Technique (clinical and laboratory).

Dr. Guererro is a founding Member and Past President of the Peruvian Dental Association (AOP) and the Academy of R.V. Tucker Study Clubs # 62, participating in more than 10 clinical meetings, and is an active Member of the Peruvian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation (SPPDYMF), the Peruvian Association of Restorative and Biomaterial Dentistry (APORYB), and the Peruvian Academy of Stomatology. 

CEUs: 2.5

AGD Code: 250

Release Date: 5/9/2024

Review 1 Date: 5/9/2027

This lecture was recorded at the Annual Scientific Session.


Other information

  • Training Hours: 2.50
  • Additional Charges May Apply

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